Quantum Computers: An Explosion in Computational Speed

S Fattahi
3 min readJul 28, 2020

Quantum computers have created an explosion in computational speed. In 2017, up to 2.5 exabytes of data were generated every day.
That’s about 25,000 books in the Library of Congress or 5 million laptops.
Every minute, 3.2 billion global Internet users generate huge amounts of data, much of which is in the form of photos, especially videos.

Given the processing limitations of current computers, it is clear that we are facing serious limitations in this area, while data is growing at an astonishing rate (big data creation).
Solving such a challenge has led scientists to a new type of computing, perhaps the most prominent of which is quantum computing. The development of such technology is the main purpose of Quantum Engineering.

What is Quantum Engineering?

This means that atoms are manipulated and controlled as single quantum beings.
That is, their quantum state is controlled and manipulated for specific purposes.
With quantum engineering, an atom in the ground state can be brought to a definite state or even to an overlap of certain states. This means that a One-Qubit Quantum Gate can be applied to an atom.
It is even possible to change the state of a given atom depending on the state of another nearby atom.
In other words, Two-Qubit Quantum Gate can affect atoms.
All of this means that the 21st century is a century in which humans will be able to control the quantum states of individual atoms.
Man will also use this knowledge and ability not only for technological purposes whose scope is not yet clear, but also for understanding the boundaries and limitations of quantum mechanics.

Quantum engineering is where the disciplines of mechanical and electronic engineering based on quantum mechanics intersect at one point. Like any major event in the engineering world, quantum computing technology will have a huge impact on human life.
All of this will happen with the growth of quantum computers, which we will discuss below.

Speed of quantum computers:

Google has recently developed a quantum computer that is 100 million times faster than current computers.
Such technology will be very important when we want to analyze a huge amount of data and solve problems with a high level of complexity quickly.
Currently, the most common computational model is the circuit model, in which data is stored in a string of classical bits 0 and 1.
In this type of calculation, classical logic circuits made of classical gates process this data. These logic circuits can compute computable functions with a combination of AND, OR, and NOT logic gates.
A classical bit can only be in one of the two states 0 and 1, while a qubit (quantum bit) can be in a combination of both.
So a quantum memory that has K qubits can be combined with 2K. The placement of a qubit in a combination of two different states is the product of quantum superposition.

last word:

This enormous computing power of quantum computers, in addition to its many advantages, poses serious threats, perhaps the most prominent of which is the power of this technology to break complex cryptographic protocols such as SHA-2 (used in Bitcoin, etc.) and RSA ( Used in digital signatures, etc.).



S Fattahi

Web designer Isolate music and writing Bachelor of Computer Software