The three main languages that make up web pages

S Fattahi
5 min readNov 11, 2020

Hello friends. Do you know the 3 main languages that make up web pages? Not?
So join us.

First language, HTML

Definitely the first language you come across for web design training is Html. This means that you have to learn html and CSS at the beginning of the journey. You may be wondering what CSS is? Be patient, we will get there.
Html is a hypertext markup language that forms the core of our web pages. Suppose you are a building architect, what is the first thing you do? Yes that’s right. First you build the skeleton of the building and then you start beautifying the building.
Html is exactly the structure of the building that you make for your web pages.

How does this sign language do this?

Using tags.
Tags are elements that start with a call and continue to work until their tag is closed. For example, the p tag is used for a paragraph, and when the paragraph ends and the tag closes, the job is done.
In fact, they tell the browser what elements the page is made of and it gives you many possibilities. From making various lists to audio and video and ….

Advantages and disadvantages of Html

This markup language has a number of advantages, a number of disadvantages like all programming languages, but the problem that has kept the html language popular is its advantages and good features, which we will get acquainted with later.

Benefits of Html:
• Easy and enjoyable learning
• Ability to run in all browsers
• Open source and free
• Easy integration with server-side languages such as php

Disadvantages of Html:
• Static and dependency on server-side languages to interact with the user
• Weak support for older browsers
• Need to design each page separately due to lack of logical programming rules

Second language, CSS

Another language is web pages, CSS, and supplements to Html. The main purpose of CSS is to fix Html vulnerabilities.
This markup language allows you to take advantage of the structure of your pages, from arranging elements to changing colors and fonts, and more.

World without CSS

The world without CSS will definitely be an ugly and horrible world; Because all the internet sites were full of a series of Html tags that had no color, glaze or charm and everyone was tired of browsing the websites, but CSS came and said: do not worry and make your pages beautiful with me.

How to communicate between CSS and Html

There are three ways to do this:

Inline style method:
To use this method, you must define the Css code among the Html tags. This method is usually not recommended, because over time and as the project gets bigger, these codes will become very cluttered and confusing in the future.

for example :
<p style = ”background-color: red; color: white; ”> </p>

Internal style method:
In this method, just put all the CSS code between the open and closed <style> </style> tags written in the HTML page. This method is usually used when you want to have a certain style in just one unique page. for

example :
P {
Background-color: red;
Color: white;

External Style Method:
Using this method you can create another page with css extension and then write CSS code in it. Then just link to the HTML pages you want using the <link> tags. In this method, you must write the address of the css page file in the href attribute of the link tag.

for example :
<link rel = “stylesheet” type = “text / css” href = “mystyle.css”>

Why should you use Css?

The most basic application we mentioned is to beautify and improve the design of web pages, which allows you to change the pages to less HTML structure and style your design more quickly because it is more flexible than HTML .

As for the third language, JavaScript

Let’s start introducing this language like this.
Suppose you put some images on a web page using HTML tags and design their layout with Css. Now you want to show them in a slider with different effects, what do you do? Yes, you guessed it. This is where you need to go to the third language, JavaScript.

JavaScript, or Js, is a popular object-based, dynamic, and interpreter language with which you can make your web pages more dynamic and user-friendly. Did it get hard? Do not worry, we will explain below.
Objectivism is a way of thinking and programming. In object-oriented programming, the code is subdivided into smaller units, and during the program, these units are linked together to create the final program.
Interpreter language is a language whose code is translated and executed line by line! This language contrasts with compiled languages, where all code is translated and executed at once. Therefore, interpreter languages ​​are slower to execute than compiler languages.

JavaScript applications

You will be able to enliven your inanimate sites and interact with your users. This means that you can display animation, audio and video files on your site. You can also set a timer on your site, change colors with the movement of the mouse, and many other things that make web pages more attractive.
But JavaScript applications do not end there. You can use this language to start building web, mobile and desktop applications. Another fun thing you can do with this language is to develop browser-based computer games. If we want to express the uses of this fascinating language in general:

They are front programmers
They are back programmers
Mobile software programming
Desktop software programming

Benefits of JavaScript

• No need for a compiler to process and run
• Learn JavaScript more easily than other languages.
• Runs on different platforms
• Lightweight and fast
Provide frameworks, libraries, and other tools
• The native language is a web browser and can be processed in the user’s browser
• Responds to user action.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

  • Difficulty detecting errors
    • Restrictions on the execution of JavaScript scripts by creating restrictions to maintain security
    • Does not run on older browsers
    • Runs malicious code on users’ computers.
    • Contradiction and lack of integration with different rendering on different tools


If you think of HTML as a naked human being, CSS makes it look like a fancy dress. Eventually JavaScript lets him move and start talking to others. Therefore, in designing the appearance of the site, it should be briefly stated:
HTML uses a predefined tag to specify the structure of a web page.
2. CSS helps us move different elements on the page, change colors, change fonts, and get to a web page that looks acceptable.
3. JavaScript allows us to design web pages dynamically.
Well, we introduced your friends to the three main languages ​​that make up web pages. I hope you like it.



S Fattahi

Web designer Isolate music and writing Bachelor of Computer Software